Healthcare Industry Collaboration of the 2nd Health Ministers Meeting between China and CEEC & the 7th China-World CEO Summit Held

The Health Ministers Meeting between China and CEEC & the 7th China-World CEO Summit were solemnly held on the occasion of the 16th CPhI China was convened in the afternoon of June 21st. The meeting focuses on cooperation of health industry between China and CEE as well as seeks for new opportunities and new routes for bilateral cooperation. More than 30 government and enterprise representatives from several countries in Central and Eastern European, such as Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Rumania, Serbia and Latvia, have participated the meeting together with 190 Chinese enterprise representatives from more than 100 pharmaceutical enterprises.


The meeting was jointly hosted by Madam Meng Dongping, vice president of China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Medicines & Health Products (CCCMHPIE) and Augustin losifescu , Minister Counselor of Romania Embassy in China. Wu Haidong, Deputy Director- General of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China and, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Health of Czech Republic delivered opening speeches respectively.


Tao Jianhong, Deputy Director of Southern Medicine Economic Research Institute of CFDA; Jan Ruzicka, China- Czech Republic health cooperation special envoy; Al L. Pineda, the founder of Aequa Sciences Company; Xu Ming, VP of CCCMHPIE; Ágnes Fényi Feketéné, Senior Counselor of Hungarian Economy Ministry Health Industry; and Andras Gizur, General Manager of Gedeon Richter Pharmaceutical (China) Company made keynote speeches successively.


Government and industry representatives also launched discussion on the topic that how to promote medical cooperation between China and CEE. The discussion was held by Jan Ruzicka, and Gintautas Barcys, the Director of State Food and Drug Administration of Lithuania; Anna Krakówka, Major Customer Manager of Mimic Med Company; Drago Napotnik, the CEO of 24ALIFE Company; Shen Yaping, Deputy General Manager of Heng Rui Pharmaceutical Company; Li Can, General Manager of China Sinopharm International Co., Ltd.; and Jiang Hua, Deputy CEO of Luye Pharma Group participated in the panel discussion.


Finally, Mr. Augustin and Madam Meng Dongping made closing speeches respectively. Throughout communication and exchange, government and industry representatives from the medicine and healthy industry of China and CEE have had more profound understanding on mutual collaboration opportunities and future development, and our cooperation will usher a better future.


Madam Meng Dongping and Mr. Augustin losifescu  jointly hosted the meeting


Mr. Wu Haidong addressed the meeting


Mr. Tom Philipp addressed the meeting


Dr. Xu Ming delivered a speech

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